Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Across The Floor: Switching Pullback / Pick-up

Here is another part of the full class I posted, it is an across the floor flap ball change progression that includes a switching pullback.  You may have learned this as a "pick-up" or "alternating pullback", depending on where your teacher was from.

Once my students have mastered the switching pullback in the center, I add it to a simple combination to help them begin to incorporate the movement with other steps.  When they are first beginning, I allow them to take off from a flat foot (in this case a 'stamp').

There are also holds before and after the pick-up sounds, allowing the student to focus on that section.

Flap ball change R, flap ball change L,
Stamp R, switching pullback to land on L foot

Counts: a1a2, a3a4, 5 (hold 6) a7 (hold 8)

Repeat the combination to the end of the floor.  On the return trip, begin with the left foot.

Tips and Variations:
  • Make it more challenging by adding a toe back or shuffle before the switching pullback (on count 6)
  • More advanced dancers should replace the stamp with a step (heel lifted)
  • Remember to keep your heels off the floor during the flap ball change for clear sounds.

1 comment:

  1. The paradiddle is a 4 note sticking pattern consisting
    of 2 alternating notes followed by a diddle. The basic
    pattern is RLRR LRLL, where the pattern itself always
    alternates; i.e. the first paradiddle starts with one
    hand, the second starts with the other, etc.

    paradiddle book
    paradiddle exercises


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