Sunday, November 20, 2011

Center Combo: Flap Ball Change

brush R backwards, hop L, toe jab R, hop L
flap ball change R (traveling R)
shuffle L, hop R, step L (in front of R)
flap ball change R (traveling R)

Counts: a1 a2, a3 a4, a5 a6, a7 a8

Tips & Variations:
  • This combination can be done center floor by traveling to the right and left.  It can also be traveled forward or backwards by traveling each side on the diagonal.
  • For intermediate dancers, try turning a quarter or half turn on the brush hop toe hop.  A half turn would allow the dancer to travel across the floor in the same direction, a quarter turn would create a sort of "staircase" pattern.
  • You can also try turning the shuffle hop step - a half or full turn would work.
  • For advanced dancers, add a single pullback as follows:    brush hop toe hop, flap ball change, shuffle L single pullback R step L, flap ball change


  1. Hello!! The blog is amazing i'm learning lots of new steps. I'm preparing for a intensive course so your videos and instrucions are being very useful, please keep posting.

    Merry Xmas!

  2. I'm glad its helpful to you! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year :)


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