Sunday, December 19, 2010

Advanced / Intermediate Center Combo

scuff R heel L stamp R heel R, reverse, repeat R & L sides (1&2&, 3&4&, 5&6&, 7&8&)

Combination continued after the jump!

*paradiddle R step L brush fwd R single pullback L toe heel R (1e&a 2 & a3 &4)
*stamp L scuff R heel stand R, stamp L scuff R heel stand R, stamp L (5 & 6 & 7 & 8)

Repeat * section (1-8)

brush back R, heel L, toe jab R, heel L, flap R to R, heel R, step L (bringing L into meet R) (&1&2&3&4)
jump, wing, syncopated pullback, stamp stamp (5&a6 e&a7 &8)

Reverse entire combination

Tips & Variations:
  • Replace the wing or pullback with your favorite variation of wings or pullbacks.
See more center floor combinations

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